Saturday, May 30, 2009

fun day fishing in the ville

"if it wernt for your friends birthday you boys would be getting tickets.If i where you i wouuld just go to walmart and get a license"

Friday, May 29, 2009

Clement's birthday suprise

so i was leaving the good ole PC, then i see two big ass birds of prey (vultures) devouring the delicious piece of meat then i wander over to take a picture and to my astonishment they fly off. So i was like fuck it ill take a picture when i get back. so when i return to the seen of the malicious feast this is all that remains of a once frolicking cat.

double tendercrisp

Saturday, May 23, 2009


1. I don't know.
2. Rare.
3. psyched.
4. Just a good ol' boy.
5. vroom vroom.

more to come...

"i realised on the way home, i just like hearing myself when im drunk"- casey linkins

Friday, May 22, 2009


1. dude loved weed and catfish
2. pffff hahahaha
3. good ol' soy
4. erich was feelin it
5. casey wasnt


when i first noticed the tag, i was kinda creeped out. not gonna lie

Sunday, May 10, 2009


woah bro i knew your were down with people but daaaaamn.
self incrimination to the max

please do not sleep on him

